月命日も8回目:8th month of anniversary of death

10月25日はあたしの最愛のひと Orin F. Buck の月命日でもあった。8ヶ月過ぎて、いよいよ想いは募るし、当たり前のように泣く。みぞおちと、額のある前頭葉部分がまだぐずぐずしている。同時に、幸福な感情を司ると言われるセロトニン(脳内ホルモン)にも思いが向く。こちらをテイクケアしてあげなきゃね。すでにあたしの心の住人になっているOちゃんの分も楽しくやってゆこう。Oちゃん、あたしの心の成長を促し、あたしを独立させ、自由という状態を与えてくださってほんとうにありがとう。


October 25th was also the anniversary of the death of my beloved Orin F. Buck. Eight months have passed, and my feelings for him have been grown, and I still am crying as usual. The pit of my stomach and the part of my frontal lobe where my forehead is located are still sobbing. At the same time, my thoughts also turn to serotonin, which is said to control feelings of happiness. I should take care of this. Let’s have fun with O-chan, who has already become a resident of my heart. Orin-chan, Thank you so much for encouraging my spiritual growth, making me independent, and giving me a state of freedom.

When he was alive, probably we were a bit tight each one “two of us/you and I”. Now I am alone. Little by little I am beginning to realize that “I am everything(along with all things & life)” And in the end, I think I will realize that “There is no such thing as me.”

写真は口程にものを云う:The photo speaks as much as a mouth

日系人会主催の敬老会。その日担当のエイドさんの代理で、Kさんをお連れした。昼食弁当は特別に著名なシェフが作られたそうで味はピカイチ。やん、食べるのが勿体ない。こうした視覚的にも芸術の域に匹敵する繊細さは、あたしたちの誇るべき食文化なんですね。さて、雨上がりの夕方、お友達のカップルと共に近所のブルックリンカレッジのキャンパスの散策。由緒あるカレッジ図書館にも入って、その充実ぶりに堪能した。そういえば、所用で思わず、生前のオリンが足繁く通ったガン病院の前を通った。何とも言えない想い、、ジワーって涙が出たよ。 さて、イーストビレッジの病院に入院されているKさんの部屋の窓から、素晴らしい虹を見た。帰りがけ、幾人もの人から、あのでっかい虹を見たか?って呼び止められた。虹の良いところは、こんな風に人々の顔を上に向けさせてくれることだね. (微笑)

The lunch box at the Respect for the Aged Party hosted by “JAA/Japanese American Association of New York” was amazing! I thought, “Ah, what a waste” to eat it. Japanese food culture is simply delicate & artistic. Well, one early evening after the rain, I & friends couple went for a walk around the nearby Brooklyn College campus. The inside of the historic college library was once again well-stocked. By the way, the other day, I passed by the New York University Cancer Center, where Orin attended before his death, for the first time in a while. Tears welled up a little. . Now, I went to visit K at the hospital in East Village. We could see a wonderful rainbow from her hospital room. On the way home, I was stopped by several people asked me, “Did you see that amazing rainbow earlier?” The good thing about rainbows is that it makes people look up. (smile)

10月13日は, 神舘美会子(みたち・みえこ)さんとリョウ和田さんの出版記念講演会がJAAで開催された。(このブログでも紹介したお二人共著の『多文化都市ニューヨークを生きる』)たくさん素敵な人々が集まってくださり、異なる視座からの奥の深いスピーチ、同時に視聴者からの質問で時間はあっという間に過ぎていった。ビデオアップまで少々お待ちください。

On October 13th, a publication commemorative lecture by Mieko Mitachi and Ryo wada was held at JAA. (“Living in a Multicultural City of New York” co-authored by the two, which was introduced on this blog) A lot of nice people came together, and the time passed quickly with deep speeches from different perspectives and questions from the audience. Please wait a moment until the video is uploaded.

101枚の絵画展:101 paintings: “101 Scenes from the Land of Color” by Orin Buck



101枚の絵画展 <—ここをクリック

Yesterday I was a little somber, talked a little with some friends, and celebrated my wedding anniversary by myself. We were also indifferent to the celebrations of the world, so we decided to celebrate by making any day we felt like a “birthday or something else”, so even when I look back on it, I only have a vague memory of it. There are no highlights (?!) that I have. However, the years of Newburgh is filled with memories that came with Orin’s battle with his illness, and I also remember buying wine and celebrating together.

Oh my God! In 2016, at the suggestion of the owner of a 128 gallery with whom we have a good relationship, even if it was just a few days, Orin held an exhibition of small art pieces. Moreover, the opening was October 4th! Now I think that it was the best gift for our one-day late wedding anniversary. Thank you thank you. Both I and Orin are truly blessed by people. Thanks again.

101 paintings <—- click

10月3日はアタシとオリンの結婚記念日です:October 3rd is my and Orin’s wedding anniversary



In 2011, we went to New York City Hall early in the morning. The marriage registration procedure was completed successfully over the course of a whole day. We had been living together for many years up until then, so now? As an older wife, I felt a bit embarrassed by Orin’s first marriage.

In New York City, Bisbee (Arizona), and Newburgh, we were approached by a stranger almost every day. “What a cute and lovely couple! ” Orin is currently living in the world of my heart, and the two of us go out together as usual. There are some people who can see my inside like this way, and I am greeted with a warm smile by many people.