オリン大喜び、えみちゃんありがとう:Orin is very happy, thank you Emi-chan

えみちゃんが車で、あたしをロバート・モセス・ステートパークに連れて行ってくれた! 海で泳いでバーベキューも、と楽しい計画。途中、ファーマーズマーケットで野菜も仕入れ、いえいー!

ところで、出がけの一瞬に不思議なことがあった。ご存知のように、シートベルトは当然ある重量のかかった座席のセンサーがそれを認知し、ベルト装着を促す警告灯〜警告音を発する、のですが誰もいない後部座席なのよ。。これじゃあ、あたし達は出発できない!? それで、空っぽの座席のシートベルトを試しに装着した途端、全てOK。オリンにも所縁のあるロングビーチ〜ジョンズビーチ〜ファイアー・アイランド、オリンは絶対に同行したかったのだろう。えみちゃん共々納得。


Emi-chan took me to Robert Moses State Park by car! A fun plan to swim in the sea and have a BBQ. On the way, we bought some fresh vegetables at the farmers market, which was great! Yey!

By the way, a strange thing happened in the moment we set out. As you know, seat belts naturally have a sensor on the seat that has a certain weight on them, which recognizes this and emits a warning light or sound to remind you to fasten your belt. But there was no one in the back seat. . If this happens, we can’t leave! ? So, as soon as I tried putting on the seat belt on an empty seat. Everything was fine. Orin definitely wanted to accompany him to Long Beach, Jones Beach, and Fire Island, which he also has connections to. Emi and I both agree.

Surprising high waves due to a hurricane heading north off the coast! Scatter Orin’s ashes, in the moment, the raging waves carry Orin away. I have sprinkled his ashes on the beach several times so far, but now I have completely finished one of my tasks. The entire ocean has become Orin. I would like to thank Emi-chan with all of my heart for giving me(and Orin) such a wonderful day.