Union Square Greenmarket : ユニオン・スクエア のグリーンマーケット

1976年、数名の農家が農作物の販売をユニオンスクエアパークでスタート。今や、世界に誇る『グリーンマーケット』 <–(クリック)として、観光のメッカにもなってきている。あたしなどは相変わらず『ファーマーズ・マーケット』と認識していたんだけど、そんなのは昔語り。昨年の夏は、あたしとオリンはまだニューバーグに居て、セッセと借りていたガーデンロットに通い、トマトやナスタシウムやケールやブロッコリやカラーグリーンを世話したっけね。。目の前に積まれているヒビ割れてたり、黄や緑や朱の段だら模様で不揃いの、そうです!これがトマトなのよ!

In 1976, a few farmers started selling their agricultural products in Union Square Park. Today, it has become a mecca for tourism as a world-class “green market”. (<–click) I used to recognize it as a “farmer’s market” as usual, but that’s an old story. Last summer, Orin and I were still in the city of Newburgh, going to the garden lot we were renting, tending tomatoes, nasturtiums, kale, broccoli and coloured greens. Well, there are cracks piled up in front of me, and yellow, green, and vermilion tiered patterns and unevenness, that’s right! This is a tomato!


Hey, Orin!!,,, that was fun~ Let’s resume gardening when we meet again. I suddenly remembered that a long time ago (at a cafe in Kunitachi City, Tokyo), a strange lady approached me and predicted, ” You will one day become the owner of a large plantation.” . Well, it doesn’t’ matter to me, but, it would be nice if I could obtain a certain amount of forest and become a planner for tree funerals.