エリック からは、彼の作品をいただいたり, J. I ちゃんもチャイニーズフーズ持参で訪ねてくれたし、(アリゾナトリップの話が面白かった)E.K.Pさん、Micaちゃん、もう、皆さんが気にしてくれてテキストをくださったり。トキちゃんもゆかちゃんもありがとう。
Eric gave me his work, J.I. visited me with Chinese food (with interesting stories of their trip to Tucson/AZ). E.K.P. , Mica, toki, Yuka, and many sent me greeting by text message.
At Shoko Therapy Studio, I was able to meet Y.B, a mutual friend of mine. Her husband, M, gave me homemade soap and a cream! It’s nice to receive it, it’s a great thing with love. On this day, E.T and her husband Y.T helped me with my online account creation and address change, and it was a truly special day. Full of happiness.
マットとリズのシェアハウスで美味しい食事。A delicious meal at Matt and Liz’s share house.
And when it’s 11:00 at night, I can’t stay awake anymore. Every night I say, “Good night. O-san! ’ and woke up before 6:00 the next morning. Every morning, I change the water in Orin and chant the Heart Sutra whenever I feel like it. This is for everyone who passed away in my memory. I wish you all the best and happiness. Let’s live together with everyone today.