オリンと知り合った2007年、彼は既にミュージックバンドを結成していた。その名を”フィスト・オブ・カインドネス(優しさのゲンコツ)” という。カントリーロックのスタイルを取り入れ演奏活動に明け暮れていた。あの頃のオリンは本当に生き生きしていたし、それなりにまだ体力もあったアタシは、オリンの重たいベースを担いではポートオーソリティに近いミュージックスタジオでのリハに参加したっけな。この期間に何度かメンバーは入れ替わったが、2016年主要メンバーの二人がノースキャロライナに引っ越すことになり、それは事実上のグループ解散でもあった。
今回、ゲイリーとマーク の編集を元に、これまでの集大成と言える一枚のCDが完成した。ありがとうございました。
When I met Orin in 2007, he had already formed a music band. It’s called “Fist of Kindness”. They adopted the style of country rock and devoted themselves to performance activities. At that time, Orin was really lively, and I still had some physical strength, so I carried Orin’s heavy bass and participated in rehearsals at a music studio near Port Authority Bus Terminal. The members changed several times during this period, but in 2016, two of the main members moved to North Carolina, which was also the de facto dissolution of the group.
I think this fact was hard for Orin. He really loved the group, playing and recording.
Orin resumed his art activities to fill the void. For the next 6-7 years, we moved between Arizona and Upstate New York while returning to music with himself. We should move to New York City first, and then do more music collabs with everyone! Orin was so excited that he was going to do his best in art too.
This time, based on the editing of Gary Heidt and Mark Tulk, a single CD that can be said to be the culmination of the past has been completed. thank you very much.