燭台大こんにゃく(ショクダイオオコンニャク):Candelabra Large Konjac/Amorphophallus titanum

詩人のお友達のことは前に書いたけど、最近、彼女が東京の神代植物公園に、この 燭台大こんにゃく(クリック)を見に行ったそうだ。なんでも、花と葉が同時に出るというのは世界でも二例目だそう。縁起物かもね!と写真を送ってくださった。こちらは心労に明け暮れバタバタしており、ちょっと前にメイルを開けたところの、眼に飛び込んだ縁起物。


I wrote about a friend of mine who is a poet before, but she recently went to Jindai Botanical Gardens/Chofu-city, Tokyo to see this large konjac candlestick. It seems to be the second example in the world that flowers and leaves appear at the same time. She sent me a picture, thinking it might be a lucky charm. This is a lucky charm that jumped into my eyes when I opened my email a little while ago!

Well ~, actually my birthday was this 28th. I am deeply grateful for the messages and cards overflowing with love from everyone, the news to commemorate the publication, and the lucky charm images. Only the Appreciation.

photo by Hikari Mizushima