骨も凍る寒波:bone-chilling cold

とはよく言ったもの! このクリスマス休暇は例年を超える寒波がやってきて、お天気ニュースはてんやわんや。空路も陸路もほぼ閉鎖。普通に(暖かく)過ごす、という日常も大自然の前では絵空事になってしまう。私たち一人一人のサバイバル精神と免疫力と適切な判断を錆びつかせないようにしなきゃあ、と痛切に思った。


Well said! This Christmas vacation has been colder than usual, and the weather news has been awful. Air and land routes are mostly closed. The daily life of spending a normal (warm) day becomes a pipe dream in the face of of serious nature. I felt strongly that each of us must keep our survival spirit, immunity and good judgment from rusting.

Earlier that week, when I finished my aide work in NYC, I walked as usual in an hour to the Port Authority Bus Terminal (we’re still pre-moving and going to/from Newburgh), and I felt like my nose might be a bit chilly. Hit the jackpot. Sinus cold, Sinus cold, Sinus cold. Fortunately, there was no fever and no change in appetite. thank you very much.