借りているガーデンの片付け, あれこれ:Cleaning up the rented garden bed, etc

急に冷えてきて、私たちの借りているガーデンベッドの最後の植物たちも、凍ったり立ち枯れてしまって先日お掃除に出かけた。ここ ニューバーグ・コミュニティガーデン (← クリック) はこの数年使わせていただき、メンバーの皆さんからたくさん学ぶことができた。感謝のみ。



It suddenly got cold and the last plants in our rented garden bed were frozen and withered, so the other day we went out to clean them up. We have been using The Newburgh Community Garden (←click) for the past few years and have learned a lot from the members. Lots of Thanks.

The basics of growing plants cannot begin without considering our food and living environment. Many children visit during the garden hours, and are getting a good education. Maybe next year we will be gardening in Brooklyn? It would be nice to be able to rent a large lot.

In a few days, Orin will have his first hospital checkup in a while. Six weeks passed in the blink of an eye, and we spent these days peacefully. I am deeply grateful for that.