7月16日のビデオ撮り:Video taken on July 16th

7月16日は、ジャパンソサエティにて『宮本和子:挑む線』展に合わせてのライブパフォーマンス のビデオ撮り。出演アーティスト;中馬芳子(コンセプチュアル・アーティスト、振付家、スクール・オブ・ハードノックス芸術監督)、ロバート・ブラック(コントラバス奏者)、ジェイソン・カオ・ワング(ヴァイオリン・ヴィオラ奏者)、クリストファー・マッキンタイア(トロンボーン奏者・TILT Brassディレクター兼共同設立者)

Saturday, July 16, 2pm and 5pm

This newly commissioned performance brings to life the works on view in Kazuko Miyamoto: To perform a line (exhibition now extended through July 24). Yoshiko Chuma, conceptual performing artist, dancer, choreographer and director of The School of Hard Knocks, combines movement and improvised music, erasing the boundaries between onstage and backstage, and between artistic practices. In 1979, Chuma performed among Miyamoto’s string constructions installed as part of the artist’s solo exhibition at A.I.R. Gallery (Yoshiko Chuma in Kazuko Miyamoto: A Girl on Trail Dinosaur). Now, Chuma reconnects with Miyamoto through this event, which runs throughout the entire gallery space. The performance also features three musicians: double bassist Robert Black, viola and violinist Jason Kao Hwang and trombonist Christopher McIntyre.

Concept and direction by Yoshiko Chuma, Artistic Director of The School of Hard Knocks.

please click here all about performance detail

”自由にやっていいよ” と言われて緊張がマックス。 いざパフォーマンスが始まるやいなや、私じゃない何者かがウオークインしたのか勝手にカメラを動かし勝手に撮っていた!! (ような感覚) 心ははやるのに、一向に編集作業に没頭できない。一瞬のタイミング、今だ!という心の点火を待つ。

When I was told, “You can do whatever you want,” my tension was maxed out. As soon as the performance started, I wondered if someone other than me had walked in, and the camera was moving and taking pictures extremely freely! I can’t immerse myself in editing work at all, even though my heart is excited. Wait for the momentary timing “NOW”, and the ignition of the heart.