Orin and I should go to New York City more often. Otherwise, all museums are far away from us. Finally, we went to the Dia Beacon (Museum) and spent hours inside. Ah, art is so much fun after all.

オリンの友人、ダニー。彼は, ミュージアム・オブ・ザ・インタレストシングス という出張骨董品博物館を開催している。先日、アルバニーで古いフィルムの上映をするから、と立ち寄ってくれた。いわゆる由緒正しき宝飾的なアンティーク類というよりは、本当にレトロで懐かしい玩具、機械工業品、日常生活品が占めており、彼がこれまでに収集した膨大な”面白いものたち”を眺めるだけで時空が巻き戻される。
Orin’s friend, Denny. He runs a traveling antique museum called “the Museum of Interesting Things”. The other day he stopped by on his way to show an old film in Albany. Rather than the so-called jewelry antiques, his museum is dominated by really retro and nostalgic toys, machine industry products, old films, and everyday items. Space-time is rewound just by looking at the huge amount of “interesting things” he has collected so far.