空中現象物体から現れた七福神:Seven Lucky Gods that emerged from UAP(unidentified aerial phenomenon object)

余りの感動、そして有り難さに涙が止まらない。目が覚めてもその感動の余韻が続いた。本当に夢だったのだろうか? 随分と前の体験ーー夢との境が感じられなかった象徴的な出来事。

~~~~ ひたすらだだっ広い平らな広場(?)に私たちは大きな円陣をとり、やって来る 『何か』を待っている。少し肌寒く、幾人もの人々はマント、ブランケットのようなもの、ショールなどを身体に巻きつけている。私たちは皆、座禅座りで寒さもなんのその、やって来る『何か』への期待、待ち望む昂揚感はもうその域を超えてしまっている。『これから』『確実に』『来る』のだから。


座る私の頭上には弁財天が立っており、にっこり微笑みながら私に『何か』を手渡した。この『授かりもの』はどう思い返してもグリコのおまけによく付いてくる小さくて単純なおもちゃ、としか形容できない。形象すらあやふやなのに、受け取った途端、もうありがたくてありがたくて大泣きしてしまった ~~~~~

I couldn’t stop crying because of the deeply touching excitement and gratitude. Even when I woke up, the emotional impression still continued. Was it really a dream? A long time ago I had this experience–a symbolic event where I couldn’t feel the boundary between my dream and reality.

~~~~ We make a big circle in a wide flat square (?) And waiting for “something” to come. It’s a little chilly, and many people wear cloaks, blanket-like things, shawls, and so on. We are all zen-sitting-pose, no matter how cold it is, the expectations for the coming “something” and the long-awaited feeling of excitement have already exceeded that range. Because it is “from now on”, “certainly”, and “coming”.

Our screams and cheers echo in the wide flat square. Suddenly, a disk-shaped object appears in the middle of our crowd forming a circle, the door (like) opens, and the Shichi-Fukujin/Seven Gods/Lucky 6 Gods & 1 Godess came down one after another. We, crowd are in a state of rejoicing and ecstasy. The Seven Lucky Gods are divided into seven sides and hand something to each one.

Benzaiten/ Saraswati stood above me as I sat, and smiled and handed me “something”. How I can say, this “gift” can only be described as a small and simple toy that often accompanies “Glico’s bonus” (Japanese kid’s candy’s free prize) . Even though the image was unclear, as soon as I received it, I was so grateful that I cried so much ~~~~~