Mother’s day/thought of mother: 母の日に

私は、へその緒が切れてないのか、今世での最愛の人, 母親でもあるトリさんが他界して18年になるというのにいよいよ恋しさが募る。小学生の頃, 掘りごたつに潜って眠りこけた時の鮮明な夢(過去夢?) なんと, 私とトリさんはかつて夫婦で, トリさんは私の夫だった(変に納得)。買い物帰りのトリさんに, この奇想天外な夢の話をしたら驚きもせず,『どうも、あんたとはえらく気が合うと思った』との返事。

どうなんだろう、私は確かに宇宙船から私(胎児)を選んで,それで今世に来たんだけれど, しかも, かつてはアフリカの若い母親で4人の子供(皆、男児)を海で失っている, のも知っているし。大体が, 私の日々時々刻々は通常域を外れてるので,もう自らの起源を探る試みも、自己分析も止めた。

〜〜 海よ、僕らの使ふ文字では、お前の中に母がゐる。そして、母よ、仏蘭西人の言葉では、あなたの中に海がある。 三好達治 「郷愁」


Perhaps my umbilical cord hasn’t broken, and it’s been 18 years since my beloved mother, Tori-san, passed away, and I’m still feeling in love with her. When I was in elementary school I had such a vivid dream (past dream?) when I fell asleep in a hori-gotatsu/digger/japanese style of heater, dream was this, surprisingly: I and Tori-san were once a couple, and Tori-san was my husband (strangely convincing). When she came home from shopping I told her about this strange dream, however she wasn’t surprised; “Oh, really? that is why you very good to me”.

I wonder why, I certainly chose me (fetus) from the spaceship, so I came to this world, and moreover, I know that once (past life? or somehow someone/my soul input these memories?) I was a young African mother who lost four children (all boys) at sea. Most of the time, my days are out of the ordinary, so I stopped trying to find my origin and self-analysis.

~~ Sea, in our messenger character, there is a mother in you. And, Mother, in French words, there is a sea in you. — Tatsuji Miyoshi :”Nostalgia”

Japanese kan-ji character; sea/海 mother/母 French words; mer (sea) mere (mother)