ひびの / ロジャーに直行。ミュージックイベント:Music event @ RODGER/HIBINO day by day

ロジャーのオーナー、レオンさんの友人のミュージック・ギグが5月30日に行われた。毎月曜日のポップアップランチ(手毬おにぎり)シェフであるフィッシュさんの店も、やがて1年になり人々に定着してきている。アイディア ・イメージと情熱・努力と継続。これら意図するところは文句なくフィッシュさんそのものだと思う。

実験的な演奏と、独特な発声。木に囲まれたロジャーの屋外席は瞬く間の異次元サウンド空間に取って代わる. そしてとても面白く思ったのは、おにぎりメニューが実によく寄り添っていたということなんです!

Rodger‘s owner, Leon’s event was held 30 May/2022, in the afternoon. You know that every Monday there is the pop up lunch, “HIBINO day by day” — It’s been a year and it’s become established in people. Its Ideas, images, passions, efforts and continuations. This is the clear expression of Pop Up Lunch chef Fish herself.

There was an experimental music performance and unique vocalization. Rodger’s outdoor seats, surrounded by trees, quickly replace the extra-dimensional sound space. And what I found very interesting was that the rice ball menu was really fit to that space!

空中現象物体から現れた七福神:Seven Lucky Gods that emerged from UAP(unidentified aerial phenomenon object)

余りの感動、そして有り難さに涙が止まらない。目が覚めてもその感動の余韻が続いた。本当に夢だったのだろうか? 随分と前の体験ーー夢との境が感じられなかった象徴的な出来事。

~~~~ ひたすらだだっ広い平らな広場(?)に私たちは大きな円陣をとり、やって来る 『何か』を待っている。少し肌寒く、幾人もの人々はマント、ブランケットのようなもの、ショールなどを身体に巻きつけている。私たちは皆、座禅座りで寒さもなんのその、やって来る『何か』への期待、待ち望む昂揚感はもうその域を超えてしまっている。『これから』『確実に』『来る』のだから。


座る私の頭上には弁財天が立っており、にっこり微笑みながら私に『何か』を手渡した。この『授かりもの』はどう思い返してもグリコのおまけによく付いてくる小さくて単純なおもちゃ、としか形容できない。形象すらあやふやなのに、受け取った途端、もうありがたくてありがたくて大泣きしてしまった ~~~~~

I couldn’t stop crying because of the deeply touching excitement and gratitude. Even when I woke up, the emotional impression still continued. Was it really a dream? A long time ago I had this experience–a symbolic event where I couldn’t feel the boundary between my dream and reality.

~~~~ We make a big circle in a wide flat square (?) And waiting for “something” to come. It’s a little chilly, and many people wear cloaks, blanket-like things, shawls, and so on. We are all zen-sitting-pose, no matter how cold it is, the expectations for the coming “something” and the long-awaited feeling of excitement have already exceeded that range. Because it is “from now on”, “certainly”, and “coming”.

Our screams and cheers echo in the wide flat square. Suddenly, a disk-shaped object appears in the middle of our crowd forming a circle, the door (like) opens, and the Shichi-Fukujin/Seven Gods/Lucky 6 Gods & 1 Godess came down one after another. We, crowd are in a state of rejoicing and ecstasy. The Seven Lucky Gods are divided into seven sides and hand something to each one.

Benzaiten/ Saraswati stood above me as I sat, and smiled and handed me “something”. How I can say, this “gift” can only be described as a small and simple toy that often accompanies “Glico’s bonus” (Japanese kid’s candy’s free prize) . Even though the image was unclear, as soon as I received it, I was so grateful that I cried so much ~~~~~

Natural Farming: 自然農法

先だって探し物があり、ビスビー(アリゾナ)時代の写真をアレコレ検討していて、整頓されていない写真はあらゆるファイルの中に散らばっていることに気付き、ちょっとお手上げ。。同時に、ことに農作業中の写真、あの日々は私に深く刻印されているせいか、一枚の写真からその日の情景が蘇る。あまりの懐かしさに呼吸が止まった、っていう初体験をした! 農婦への道、その最初の一歩が凍結したまま、事情から再びイーストコーストに戻ったとはいえ、私の終のゴール『農婦』への道は細々と続いている。今は、大家さんの庭、それとコミュニティガーデンでまだまだ修行中。

The other day I needed to find some photos from Bisbee/AZ period however all AZ photos are disorganizing everywhere within any computer files, so I had to give up looking for them. At the same time, especially the photos of farm work, probably because those days are deeply impressed on me, the scene of the day revives from one photo. I had my first experience of stopping breathing because of so much nostalgia! Although on the way to being a farmer, the first step was stopped some reason, and we returned to the East Coast again, but my final goal, “being farmer”, still continues with slow steps. Currently, I am still training in the landlady’s yard and the community garden.

自然農法実践家 福岡正信 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBwJPOzTwyQ 福岡正信/Masanobu Fukuoka https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka そうだ、人間をやめよう:うむ農園 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9DHvEbzqco

13 May, Glenn Branca & Stevie Wonder: 5月13日、グレン・ブランカ と スティービー・ワンダー



Well, today is the birthday of Stevie (Steveland Hazaway Judkins) who I worshipped when I was young, and it is also the anniversary of Glenn Branca’s death, who only comes to mind as a prodigy or a genius. Both of them fill up the Internet, so just like my Prince Rogers Nelson, it’s just a brief introduction.

When I was young, I had a good memory of sending Stevie an enthusiastic fan letter in English Braille.

私は ブランカ を、オリンの友人 ベン・ミラー を通して知った。エレキギターだけのオーケストラで指揮をとるブランカ、仁王立で彼らに、『ラウド!ラウド!!』と。感覚的には、もっと最大限に最音量で演奏せよ!っていうことと理解する。君の音楽と一体化せよ、どこまでも真摯に、自己主張せよ!!という。

I got to know about Glenn Branca through Orin’s friend Ben Miller. Branca conducts with an orchestra consisting only of electric guitar, standing with all his energy, and screaming to players, “Louder! Louder! !! ” it probably meaning that play your music as much as your limit! loudest! . ” Integrate with your music, earnestly and assert yourself! !! ” That is what I am understanding.

Mother’s day/thought of mother: 母の日に

私は、へその緒が切れてないのか、今世での最愛の人, 母親でもあるトリさんが他界して18年になるというのにいよいよ恋しさが募る。小学生の頃, 掘りごたつに潜って眠りこけた時の鮮明な夢(過去夢?) なんと, 私とトリさんはかつて夫婦で, トリさんは私の夫だった(変に納得)。買い物帰りのトリさんに, この奇想天外な夢の話をしたら驚きもせず,『どうも、あんたとはえらく気が合うと思った』との返事。

どうなんだろう、私は確かに宇宙船から私(胎児)を選んで,それで今世に来たんだけれど, しかも, かつてはアフリカの若い母親で4人の子供(皆、男児)を海で失っている, のも知っているし。大体が, 私の日々時々刻々は通常域を外れてるので,もう自らの起源を探る試みも、自己分析も止めた。

〜〜 海よ、僕らの使ふ文字では、お前の中に母がゐる。そして、母よ、仏蘭西人の言葉では、あなたの中に海がある。 三好達治 「郷愁」


Perhaps my umbilical cord hasn’t broken, and it’s been 18 years since my beloved mother, Tori-san, passed away, and I’m still feeling in love with her. When I was in elementary school I had such a vivid dream (past dream?) when I fell asleep in a hori-gotatsu/digger/japanese style of heater, dream was this, surprisingly: I and Tori-san were once a couple, and Tori-san was my husband (strangely convincing). When she came home from shopping I told her about this strange dream, however she wasn’t surprised; “Oh, really? that is why you very good to me”.

I wonder why, I certainly chose me (fetus) from the spaceship, so I came to this world, and moreover, I know that once (past life? or somehow someone/my soul input these memories?) I was a young African mother who lost four children (all boys) at sea. Most of the time, my days are out of the ordinary, so I stopped trying to find my origin and self-analysis.

~~ Sea, in our messenger character, there is a mother in you. And, Mother, in French words, there is a sea in you. — Tatsuji Miyoshi :”Nostalgia”

Japanese kan-ji character; sea/海 mother/母 French words; mer (sea) mere (mother)

5月1日、姉それにサヤ : 1 May, My elder sister and Saya.


Today is the birthday of my sister and the birthday of my dear friend Saya, who lives in France. From time to time, Saya wrote that she was/is playing harmonica to the calves on the ranch in the neighborhood: how she & Vivien discovered the old statue of Mary at the end of the weeds/bush; about their music composition activities and going out to the sea, etc. It’s as exciting as the long-awaited picture book.

京都,45年前. 翌日彼女はフランスに旅立った:45 years ago, Kyoto/Japan. the next day she flew to France


“Shabon-dama/Soap bubbles” … Saya plays harmonica in this song to the calves as a requiem for the ephemeral life of these children who will eventually be taken to the slaughterhouse. Of course, she mentioned that it also overlaps with the feelings of this children’s song writer, Noguchi Ujo, who lost his daughter at a young age.

サヤのハモニカの音色に走り寄ってくる仔牛たち:Calves running up to the tone of the harmonica


Saya and Vivien love the sea. Play as much as you can!

ジャック・タチゆかりの海岸:The coast associated with Jacques Tati