4月21日、プリンスの命日 : Prince’s death anniversary


古くは、メイ・ウエストが銀幕の向こうで 二重の上げ底靴 を愛用していたように、プリンスもまたハイヒールを常に愛用しており、長年のステージパフォーマンスでの、ファンを魅惑する華麗な動きが、同時に身体の限界を極めず、磨耗させてしまったものか。

プリンスは、とびきりのエロスやミューズたちの媒体として、彼の日・月・年をほぼ24時間『プリンス』という現象に捧げてきたと思う。が、ある時期から彼は『プリンス』という人、等身大の彼に向かっていった。とはいえ、そのスケールは追随を許さないほどの存在感だったけど。 合掌。

My Prince Rogers Nelson’s brilliant life was ended in 2016 at his age of 57 with a mysterious death. It is said that his cause of death is a painkiller overdose, and was he aware of it(?) — a few days earlier, he told his fans that he would soon leave this world.

In the olden days, as Mae West loved to wear double decker highheels behind the silver screen, Prince always loved high heels, his splendid movement that fascinates the fans in his stage performance for many years, but at the same time, without reaching the limits of the body, is it worn out?

I think Prince has devoted his day, month, and year to the phenomenon of “Prince” for almost 24 hours as a medium for Eros and the Muses. However, from a certain time, he became a life-sized man named “Prince”. Even though his performances still had an unrivaled presence. *Rest in Peace*

Here are my especially special favorite his music video / 数かぎりない中で、ことに私の大好きなビデオを3つほど: “Play that funky Music” ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNrAFb3I2js “While my guitar gently weeps” ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SFNW5F8K9Y and “The Little Prince: Footage Unearthed Of Superstar At Age 11” ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQe0EoVoGqU