イエス・キリストが処刑されて、その3日後に再び復活したことを祝う大きなイベント、このお祭り日は、春がやってきた! との意味合いもあるようで、私のような門外漢も十分に楽しむことができる。『春分の日の後の最初の満月から数えて最初の日曜日』がイースターになり、よって毎年日にちは異なってくる。今年は4月17日とのこと。復活祭とくれば卵やウサギのデコレーションが主流で、その中の一つ、マシュマロで作られたヒヨコのお菓子(ピヨピヨ鳴くところから)をピープと呼ぶ。
かつて、一度だけピープを食べてその甘すぎ感にお手上げ。もう15年以上前かな。当時は黄色と青色のピープスが主流で、そのまま放っておいても一向に腐りもしなければカビも生えない。面白くなってショートヴィデオを作った。”お互い、粉々に砕けるまでずっと一緒にいようね” といったラブストーリー(笑)。これです; https://youtu.be/GvJOJ3N6q78
A big event celebrating the execution of Jesus Christ and its resurrection three days later, this festival seems to have a meaning that spring has come, and it is possible for outsiders like me can fully enjoy it. “The first Sunday counting from the first full moon after the vernal equinox” is Easter, so the day is different every year. This year is April 17th. When it comes to Easter, egg and rabbit decorations are the mainstream, and one of them, baby chick sweets made with marshmallows (from where they squeak) are called Peeps.
Well, I tried to eat Peeps only once and gave it up because its taste was too sweet. I think it was more than 15 years ago. At that time, yellow and blue Peeps were the mainstream, and even if they were left as they were, they would not rot at all and would not grow mold. It became interesting and I made a short video. A love story like “Let’s stay together until we break into pieces” (laughs). This one; https://youtu.be/GvJOJ3N6q78
Recently, when I glanced at them, they were quite dry and the color was fading. But maybe our Peeps live longer than us? I think that. The yellow one’s expiration date is December, 2011. and the blue one is June, 2011. so maybe it was made in 2010, I guess.