第12回「反原発展」: 12th “Anti-Nuke Power Art” Friday March 11 3pm -10pm @ 5C Cafe and Cultural Center

3月11日、前日も後日も雪の中、エアポケットのようにこの日は肌寒いものの、まずまずの上天気。今回は私たちの友人、アクティビストでジャズピアニストのトルディの店 (コロナ事情から外席コーナー)で1日だけの展覧会をしました。今、フォトビデオを作成中なので暫しお待ち下さいね。

Although it snowed before and after March 11th, it was chilly but the weather was fair, like a gift. At this time we had a one-day exhibition at our friend, activist and jazz pianist Trudy’s 5C Cafe & Cultural Center (outside corner due to corona circumstances).

I’m making a photo video right now, so please wait for a while.

flyer made by Orin F. Buck