Close Encounters of the First Kind : 最初の接近遭遇

7〜8歳だったか、いつものように兄と私は両親の自転車店の店先に座って、通りの車やバイクをながめたり、目の前を何台の車が通過するかなどの当てっこゲームを楽しんでいた。 ふと、空いっぱいにオレンジ色のちょっと楕円形らしき風船のような物体があるのが目に 入った。ともあれ、その物体は全くもって空全体を覆っているようだった! 私は、それでも、きっとこれはどでかい太陽だ、などと思った途端、その物体があたかも尺取虫のような動き、後ろから前に押し出されながらゆっくり進む、まさに尺取虫のような動きで、頭上の空を横切り出した、非常にゆっくりと!!

驚いて、兄にそれを指差すと、兄も「えー! なんだろね、あれ!! 」と、二人してそのオレンジ物体が上空を右から左に動く様を眺めた! その物体は直線上に移動して消えたのではなく、あたかも水平線に入り込む太陽のように、おそらくは地球の形に沿って沈み込むように、静かに徐々に見えなくなった! その後、そのような奇妙な現象を見たことを兄に何度か話したが、彼はまったく覚えていなかった。



『超自然的現象は集合的深層無意識による、心的エネルギーの具現である』 C. G. ユング

『事実というものは存在しない。存在するのは解釈だけである』 ニーチェ

When I was 7~8 years old, as usual, my brother and I were sitting in our parents’ bicycle storefront, looking at cars, or motorcycles runs on the street, or we enjoyed a guessing game how many cars would pass through in front of us. A moment, my eyes caught a kind of orange colored oval-shape balloon style object above the sky. Anyway, the object seemed to cover the whole sky at all! Immediately I thought that this was a huge sun. The object just like an inchworm, it was moving slowly as if being pushed from the back to the front, it started crossing the sky overhead!

I was so surprised, I pointed it at and prompted my brother to see it, “I wonder what is that?!“ He was surprised, too. Then we watched the orange object moving across from right to left in the sky! The object did not move in a straight line nor disappear, like the sun entering the horizon. Perhaps as it sank along the shape of the earth, it disappeared quietly and gradually! After that I talked several times with my brother about what we saw, such a strange phenomena, but he didn’t remember at all.

,,, I have had these sightings quite often in the past. I will write about it again. They can mimic the ordinary people around us or suddenly appear like insects. The idea came up that encounters like this may be visible when my heart is empty and quiet, as well as looking deep into myself.

Actually, it’s a phenomenon that can happen to any of us, and it’s something divine that can’t be named, sleeping deep inside each of us. A return to perfection and absolute. I can assure myself that there can be no “good / bad alien” as a personal experience so far.

“All supernatural phenomena including synchronicity are the embodiment of mental energy by the collective deep unconscious.” by Carl Gustav Jung

“There are no facts, only interpretation.” by Friedrich Nietzsche