尾崎放哉 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B0%BE%E5%B4%8E%E6%94%BE%E5%93%89 尾崎放哉関連 https://ken-horimoto.com/20180607211432/
Ozaki Hosai https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozaki_H%C5%8Dsai Explanation of Ozaki’s poem https://reajer.weebly.com/free-haiku-ozaki.html
放哉の有名な句より : from the famous poem of Hosai ( *= translation: Gilles Fabre)
- 咳をしても一人: Even coughing still all alone*
- いれものがない両手でうける: To have no container, receive with both hands
- こんなよい月を一人で見て寝る: Seeing such a good moon and sleep alone
- 春の山のうしろから烟が出だした: Smoke has begun from behind the spring mountains
- 漬物桶に塩ふれと母は生んだか:”Go and salt the vegetables!” Mother, is this what I was born for?*
- 一日物云わず蝶の影さす:Wordless all day long the shadow of a butterfly*
- 淋しいぞ一人五本のゆびを開いて見る;So lonely to see I open my five fingers*
- 冬川にごみを流してもどる: Into the winter river I throw the garbage and come back*
- 豆を煮つめる自分の一日だつた : To cook beans I had all day*
- 海がまつ青な昼の床屋にはいる: The sea is clear blue, I enter the barber shop at noon
- 針の穴の青空に糸を通す:I see the blue sky through the needle hole I thread
- すばらしい乳房だ蚊が居る:Fantastic breast and a mosquito*
- 追つかけて追ひ付いた風の中:Chasing and caught up in the wind
- 自分の母が死んで居たことを思ひ出した : I remembered my mother; she was dead
- 山に登れば淋しい村がみんな見える: I climb up the hill, all the villages seem sad to me*
- なぎさふりかへる我が足跡も無く: On the shore when I turn my head, no longer any footprints*