プリンスはハヌマンか?: Is Prince Hanuman?




プリンス/ Prince Rodgers Nelson  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_(musician)  ハヌマン/ Hanuman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanuman

The Japanese musicians who I liked but suddenly became a fan of after decades were Hibari Misora, Shizuko Kasagi, Junko Ohashi and Shinji Harada. I was originally a Western enthusiast, so I love rock, soul, funk, avant-garde, noise and jazz. However, there was a “prince”…. I was avoiding him because at that time I thought he was too noisy and nasty. Recently, Orin asked me, “Haven’t you seen Purple Rain?”, so I reluctantly watched this legendary movie, and then I went straight to Prince. I wonder if I have been so crazy since Stevie Wonder when I was in my early twenties.

There is numerous information about Prince, so I don’t need to say much more about him.

In his later years, he was a charity activist, and he had a very sharp point of view, such as criticizing the chemtrails. For all his 57 years, he was an incarnation of something that transcends humans, he was a multimedia artist who maximized the visualization of all the beauty, ugliness, sexuality, and vibrations of these emotions in this three-dimensional world. When I thought he must be Saraswati, Bishnu, Krishna or Shiva, instantly I heard his (?) voice saying, “No, I’m Hanuman”.

Yoshiko Chuma, Head in the Sand Dec 25 2021 : 中馬芳子 ”ヘッド・イン・ザ・サンド, 25 Dec, 21”

2021年12月25日、中馬芳子さんのお誕生日であり、恒例のシリーズ ”Head in the Sand” オンエアの日でもあったんです。クリックして、この日の、そしてこれまでの斬新なビデオシリーズをご覧くださいね。

Yoshiko Chuma/中馬芳子 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoshiko_Chuma

25 Dec, 2021, was dancer, choreographer and director of the performance art group “The School of Hard Knocks” Yoshiko Chuma’s birthday. People aired a video celebrating Yoshiko’s birthday and showing their thoughts on Christmas.

This is the link https://vimeo.com/660092537 and/or https://vimeo.com/660105519

Sound Healing etc : サウンドヒーリングや、ヒーリングクリームのこと

Our couple of healer/art/music friends, Frank & Michele was coming after a while. They said that from now on, sound vibration including so-called voice will be the “key” that leads all events to harmony. Also Michele had a dream suggesting this. Wonderful coincidence, more and more Orin and I are really enjoying making tones, sound, melody and music. At the same time Michele has been making “knit-bone” healing cream. One of the ingredients is “comfrey”, comfrey is known as knitbone. It has Alontin in it and helps to mend heal connective tissue and bones.

The end of 2019, after I broke my right wrist, this cream was so useful. The scars after the femur fracture surgery in February have also been cleaned up, and I am grateful to be able to use my wrist and hip. These two fractures of mine were due to a big fall on a frozen road and in the garden shortly after I moved, and I’m hoping for a cream to fix this sloppiness, well. The first thing to do is to learn how to walk on a frozen road.

久々に、ヒーラーの友人カップル, フランクとミシェルが遊びに来た。これからはいわゆる声(ボイス)含めてのサウンドバイブレーションが全ての事象を調和に導く”鍵” になる事、ミシェルは、それを示唆する夢を見たことなどを話してくれた。私もオリンも以前にも増して音・音階・音楽作りが面白くてならないこと、これらのタイミングなどを楽しく語り合った。また、ミシェルは骨の結合組織を繕う働きのあるコンフリーを成分に加えた、ニットボーンと命名しているクリームも作っている。骨折後の部位にこのクリームで優しくマッサージすると回復が早いとのこと。
