28 November, 2021. Niizeki Hiromi First Anniversary / ニイゼキヒロミさんの、一周忌メモリアル展がありました。

Here is the link about her memorial show、 こちらが、ニイゼキヒロミ展のビデオリンクです。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJFlPSBCDuM

She is also a member of the Musashino Consortium, and their exhibition this May also featured her remembrance corner. 彼女は武蔵野コンソーシアムのメンバーでもありました。この5月の武蔵美展に、彼女のコーナーが設けられました。その時のビデオです。https://youtu.be/Pp1uPqC_uiE

時空を超えて、彼女の魅力的なシリーズだった ”ポケットプロジェクト” を続けているのじゃないかな。ヒロミさん、どうもありがとう!!Beyond a time and space, She will be surely continue of her strong and charming series “Pocket project”, Thank you, Hiromi!


過日、ノースキャロライナのグリーンズボロに向かう3分の1あたりの道中で、車の思わぬ故障!すったもんだの末に、地元の良き修理屋さんに助けていただいた。幸い、修理点検も終わったという知らせで、はるばると電車に乗り、バスに揺られて修理やさんに辿り着く、その道筋の角っこに “おもちゃの広場”屋さんがあった. まさに, 子供の心を忘れていない大人のための,おもちゃ屋さん. あるいは私たちのようなジジババの遊園地. レトロなものから今に至るまで, オリンは圧倒されっぱなし!この店のオーナーもまた, おもちゃに愛されている王様のようで不思議な威厳があった。

The other day, about one-third of the way to Greensboro in North Carolina, our car broke down unexpectedly! Finally, a good local repair shop helped us. After a while we got a call that the repair and inspection had been completed, then, we got on the train all the way and switched to the bus to reach the repair shop. There was a “Toys on the Square” shop at the corner of the road. It is as if this toy store is for adults who haven’t forgotten the hearts of children. Or an amusement park for grandpa & grandma. From the retro toys to the new toys, Orin was overwhelmed! The owner of this shop was also like a king loved by toys, and had a mysterious dignity.

Orin took tiny video of them / 店内です。すごい!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1E71FSffxC0

20 Nov, 2021. Sallie Elkordy First Anniversary : フリーダムラリーの今日、サリーさんの1周忌でもありました。

This is last year’s her memorial news; http://www.vaclib.org/news/Memorial-SallieElkordy.htm

A speculation article about her sudden death; https://newsinsideout.com/2020/11/was-judge-sallie-elkordy-the-target-of-a-targeted-assassination-by-5g-so-as-to-prevent-her-from-testifying-in-the-tribunal-trial-on-sunday-nov-29-2020/

Hoods Up, Guns Down. 19 Nov, 2021




Not long ago, after repairing the car, we went to a nearby state park for a test run, and the hunting ban was lifted from October to the end of December. We didn’t notice but somehow the ruts of the car are clearly appearing at the end of the road after the rain, probably not just a few cars, but rather a lot of cars coming and going. Suddenly, we heard a dry gunshot. We heard it menacingly many times, immediately we felt danger we shouldn’t be here.

While we lived Bisbee/AZ, a depopulated area on the border with Mexico, we didn’t think to have a guard dog nor self-defence gun.

Now, in our Newberg community, residents are seriously working on how to clean up gun crimes, along with employment issues, education and neighborhood environmental issues. Newburgh, which has been described as an extremely dangerous city in the United States, even they say so but it’s not so difficult for me to live.


And one more thing. This day was just the second year since Orin and I moved to Newburgh.

”ひびの” にようこそ! Welcome to HIBINO day by day at RODGER NEWBURGH

ここ, ニューバーグのユニークなレストラン “ロジャー” に、毎週月曜日、昼食時のお持ち帰り、手毬サイズのおにぎり屋さん、”ひびのデイバイデイ” がオープンしています。自然志向の食材、見とれてしまう可愛い手毬サイズのおにぎり、料理はアートだ!を地で行くシェフのフィッシュさん。彼女のひらめきと、それを裏打ちさせる十分な経験が、瞬く間に惚れ惚れするおにぎりを出現させます。日本のソウルフード、ここにあり

Here the unique restaurant RODGER NEWBURGH, in there is “HIBINO day by day,” which serves a Temari-sized https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temari_(toy) rice ball lunchtime takeout every Monday, 11:30 am to 2:30 pm. https://www.instagram.com/hibino_daybyday/. Nature-oriented ingredients, you can see these cute rice balls are fascinating.『cooking is an art!』This is Chef Ms.Fish’s strong point & policy. Her inspiration and enough experience both come together to make these charming onigiri instantly. Japanese soul food is surely here.

On the way to Sweet North Carolina @ Greensboro, however— :ノースキャロライナはグリーンズボロに向かう途中の椿事

We had planned to visit our musician/artist friends in NC. On 2 Nov 2021 we were booked for Orin’s and my solfeggio Hz sound video and my performance. However as we got near Harrisburg, PA, our car suddenly stoped working. Before this happened, we wanted to buy coffee and even though unnecessary refill gas, then, just as we entered into busy speedway(!!) I only tell you “We’re lucky”. At our discretion, no car was involved and there was no damage other than ours. As you see these stuffed animal, one is gorilla and another one is fox. The night before we left, I talked to them as usual (probably you may think of me like a strange person, hahaha) and told them that you must stay here and house-watching several days. OMG! Gori-san (I named this gorilla) started cry. Surely this phenomena was within my eyesight. I could see these vision within my mind. Why you’re crying, Gori? and he replied because I will never see you again. Mmmmmmm, he felt lonely? so I put them into my bag.

Anyway, just before our car broke, during at the gas station I pulled them from my bag because they wanna enjoy this scenery (I know such so strange idea came to me). Then, it came. While we were waiting for tow truck comes I noticed how unbelievably messy Gori-san’s hair was!! Probably he tried to protect us using all of his power(??) Well…


